The Centre for Appropriate Technology Limited
Appropriating technology to provide people & communities better opportunity.
CfATSE now offers Penetration Testing services for your IT systems
“Today, we build on four
decades of work to
advancing technology
for people and place.”
Who We Are
The Centre for Appropriate Technology Limited (CfAT Ltd.) was established in Alice Springs in 1980 to research, design, develop and teach appropriate technologies and deliver technical training to Indigenous people living in remote communities.
CfAT Ltd. works towards sustainable and enterprising communities by delivering appropriate fit-for-purpose technology, including practical project design, technical innovation, infrastructure, and training services.
What We Do
CfAT Ltd. can assist in providing environmentally and culturally appropriate bush & urban infrastructure projects through community engagement, project management, engineering consultancy & design, technical advice and capacity building of local workforces.
This aspect of CfAT Ltd.’s work enables Aboriginal communities to use technology to maintain their connection to country, live and thrive sustainably on country, and build the capacity of their local economies and workforce.
CfAT Ltd. delivers industry accredited and non-accredited skills training that supports economies and sustainability in remote communities. Our approach is to deliver solutions-based packaging for individual, group, community or industry workforce needs.
The Centre for Appropriate Technology Satellite Enterprises Pty Ltd (CfAT Satellite Enterprises) is Australia’s first and only Aboriginal-owned-and-operated ground segment service provider.
CfAT Satellite Enterprises manages a 38-hectare Space Precinct on which it hosts satellite ground stations, and partners with service providers to support outcomes for Indigenous communities around Australia.
CfAT Ltd.’s Aboriginal Facilities & Maintenance crew are trained to provide technical and other maintenance support to the Space Precinct infrastructure, which builds their understanding of telecommunications that can then be used in their own communities.
Facilities & Maintenance Workforce
CfAT Ltd. is proud to have an Aboriginal Facilities & Maintenance workforce that can be engaged by external organisations to perform a wide variety of services.
The F&M workforce can provide general building maintenance, Test & Tag and other electrical, refrigeration and air-conditioning, grounds maintenance, landscaping and fencing, tree pruning, fire breaks and buffel management, reticulation works and cleaning.
The F&M workforce are trained on site in machinery operation including elevated work platforms, forklifts and heavy vehicle licensing. Your engagement of the F&M Workforce supports them to build their capacity and provides them a wide range of career opportunities that support their remote communities.
A key pillar of this aspect of CfAT Ltd.’s work is attracting qualified Aboriginal trades to supervise, mentor and manage the F&M workforce.
The Frank Curtis Workshop was established in 2013 to enable CfAT Ltd. to manufacture environmentally and culturally appropriate products that support CfAT Ltd. Technology on Country projects and other commercial manufacturing and fabrication services.
The Frank Curtis Workshop also enables the employment and training of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people seeking career pathways in engineering, metal and steel manufacturing industries.