This project addressed the immediate problems of unsafe living environments through repairs and maintenance to housing, community water management planning and energy efficiency measures over a twelve month period (2013-2014).

The project team comprised 38 Aboriginal staff and 14 non-Aboriginal staff (including contractors). 28 of the employees were residents of the Utopia Homelands.  We believe the issues that can arise when local employees don't have the licenses or qualifications the job requires are readily accommodated by pre-planning and re-packaging work tasks and schedules and combining appropriate supervision with training on the job.

The service delivery model was shaped around the following principles: no survey without service, no service without permissions, local skills and knowledge are valued and utilised, engagement has a purpose and outcome. We delivered on time and on budget whilst maximising local employment opportunity and resident satisfaction with the works undertaken.

Read the Utopia Homelands Project Lessons Learned paper here

View the videos below to hear what Homeland residents and the local work crew had to say about the project.


Video evaluations were conducted for the project, focusing on the satisfaction of local workers and residents.
Have a look at the videos below.