Centre for Appropriate Technology (CfAT) is a not-for-profit organization operating under the corporate group structure, which embraces technology and believes appropriation of technology transforms Australian Indigenous people’s capacity to engage both with the country and the wider economy.
We provide better opportunities
We actively listen
We believe in collaboration
We believe in building people
We lead by example
Discover our focus areas
CfAT is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO Code 0857) and offers nationally accredited certificates in the areas of automotive, construction, civil construction, engineering, essential services, and rural operations. Accredited short courses include chemical handling, food hygiene, and 4WD and heavy vehicle operations.
CfAT focuses on wide areas starting from cultural connectivity, training, and community engagement planning to facilities management, space ground precincts, and strategic alliances.
We deliver technical reliability and build local capacity to unlock economic opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
The Centre for Appropriate Technology Limited (CfAT Ltd) has undertaken community planning activities over many years with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities wishing to develop their land holdings and provide jobs.
The Centre for Appropriate Technology (CfAT) was contracted by Telstra to undertake Digital Inclusion Surveys in three remote NT indigenous communities; Ali Curung, Yarralin and Alpurrurulam.
The surveys were completed for each community in 2018 and reports have been provided to Telstra.
The CfAT Technology on Country program (ToC) is designed to support Indigenous peoples with the appropriate technologies that help maintain a connection to country, live on country, look after country and culture, thrive on country, and develop sustainable livelihoods on country.
Many Indigenous people in Australia still live close to or on their traditional tribal country.
The Centre for Appropriate Technology Satellite Enterprises Pty Ltd (CfAT Satellite Enterprises) is Australia’s first and only Aboriginal-owned-and-operated ground segment service provider. CfAT Satellite Enterprises manages a 38-hectare site on which it hosts satellite ground stations, and partners with service providers to support outcomes for Indigenous communities around Australia.
CfAT develops and maintains partnerships that provide the technical expertise to support projects relating to its technology focus areas. Current partnerships and collaborations include: Monash University, Uni of Melbourne, Engineers without borders Australia, Desert peoples Centre, Ekistica, Arup and many more…
“This state-of-the-art development will provide a positive contribution to the local economy through employment opportunities for local businesses during each phase of construction as well as ongoing jobs for local Aboriginal people once operational”
SBS news / Read Full Article
“This [CfAT’s] new infrastructure has the potential to reduce the latency for high-resolution earth observation imagery down from hours or days, to just minutes. The result will be to enhance Australia’s capability in disaster management (such as cyclones and bushfires), environmental monitoring, border protection, and search and rescue.”
Indigenous Business Australia / Read Full Article
“There’s tech and science to being Aboriginal. You can’t have been here for 60,000 years without interacting, immersing yourself and und understanding science and tech. What I’m trying to do is make Aboriginal people realise that system still sustains us now and we can find a way to be part of that”
Crikey / Read Full Article
Discover our venues
At CfAT we believe in all people and cultures. We collaborate, we connect, and we create together to embrace technology and always look for a better way.
Our venues are here to provide communities and organizations a place to innovate, upskill, create future partnerships, and hold trainings, workshops, and conferences.
Support and join our mission
Do you want to make a real impact? Join the Centre of Appropriate Technology mission today!
With your support, we can continue our mission to provide Australian Aboriginals with better opportunities. We can improve their connection with the community and the country through technology.
Donate today and be a part of something truly meaningful.