Through three interlinked projects in the West Kimberley, CfAT worked with communities and Municipal Services Officers (MSOs) to develop waste management plans; explore recycling options for the Fitzroy Valley communities; and conduct an extensive analysis of the success and problems of the MSO program hosted by CfAT. The recycling pilot included construction of 100 recycling cages by the MSOs for use in their communities for recycling and reduction of beverage litter. The waste management planning in collaboration with the communities of Bayulu and Muludja meant more effective processes were identified, as well as prompting action on previously unrecognised health issues related to construction and demolition waste.

 The overall evaluation of the programs, to be published in 2012, illuminated many of the complex aspects of service delivery in small communities, including conditions for successful local employee retention rates and the impacts of local obligation mixed with program accountability.